Rogersville Office
Mount Carmel Office
Serving clean, safe, economical natural and propane gas to Hawkins County
Office Hours
Monday - Friday:
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Weekends & Holidays:
After Hours Emergency:
(423) 272-8841
Reading My Meter
Safety is our #1 priority at Hawkins County Gas. We strive to make our customers feel comfortable and safe at all times. In the event of an emergency, call our 24-hour emergency line at (423) 272-8841 or (423) 357-8585. If your call is not answered please dial 911 and report your emergency.
You can track your household's natural gas usage easily by reading your own gas meter. If you read your meter on the day you receive your bill, the meter reading you take should be the same as your bill or a higher reading on your bill because of the time lapse between the meter reader's visit and your bill's arrival in the mail.
We use two different types of meters for natural gas: digital registers and dial registers. Digital registers are very simple and read like the odometer on your automobile. Dial registers use clock-like dials to show your gas usage. This type of meter takes a little longer to read, but is easy once you learn how. Read the dials 0 - 9, clockwise or counter clockwise as indicated by an arrow on the dial. If the hand is between numbers, then record the smaller number.